I think it would be a good idea to start doing my self-portrait in black and white first. Working on a grey scale would be more suitable as I don't find myself good at using colour straight away. More so, I lack the confidence in shading with colours.
Peter Doig
Made in 1996. This piece is particularly interesting to me as I really like the imperfect line art. I really enjoy doing messy type of sketches, but my work is not neat on accident. However, this art work seems to have been done it in this “sketchy” way on purpose (hence why it’s called blotter, like blots on the page). The lack of colour variation appeals to me as nothing stands out more than the other. Also, I feel as if the focus is in the middle of the drawing. I find this to be quite cool because there’s only one person we have to look at. This, as well as the background being filled with trees and no creatures, creates an image of loneliness but since nature is with the figure it then gives us a sense of the
weather/what the person would feel like in that situation. I want to produce a portrait in 2D and have it inspired by this, and another art piece. The other one will be:
This was done in 1997. This creation was intended to be abstract but also have recognisable features, so it is meant to look like a reflection (like the title). With this, I’m going to use it as a reference and do something in a similar style and make my art more realistic. I will also most likely do a reflection at some point, literally (with a mirror) and also metaphorically (with an object that can-do reflection/have them looking at a clone of themselves). I find this to reveal identity in a dramatic way as the image can look as if it is telling a story. Most images do, all images have different stories whether it is short or long. Both this image and the “blotter” one has been taken from Tate.co.org.uk
Glass Symbolism
Glass could symbolise invisible protection, it could also symbolise fragility. The material is very fragile and therefore I may use it in my work to do a subtle identity reveal. I am normally very gentle with objects and art equipment I am given so I think it would be interesting to draw things as glass.